Terms and conditions


The goods covered by these general conditions are offered for sale by the JOM Spirits company of Soratti Carla Alessia . (hereinafter "Supplier") with registered office in Corso Cairoli, 154, Macerata (MC) tax code and VAT number 02054290438. With this contract, respectively, the Supplier sells and the Purchaser purchases the tangible movable goods remotely via telematic tools indicated and offered for sale on the website www.jomspirits.com. The contract stipulated between the company JOM Spirits di Soratti Carla Alessia and the Customer is considered concluded with the acceptance, even partial, of the order by the Supplier. Acceptance can also take place by shipping the product ordered, unless otherwise communicated to the Customer in any way.

The Customer can only be a consumer over the age of 18 (i.e. a natural person who purchases the goods for purposes not related to the latter. By placing an order in the various ways provided, he declares to have read all the information given to him provided during the purchase procedure and, consequently, to fully accept the general and payment conditions transcribed below.

The inclusion of false and/or invented personal data in the data collection forms, necessary for completing the order, is strictly prohibited. It is also forbidden to enter third party data or make multiple registrations relating to a single Customer. The Supplier reserves the right to legally prosecute any violation and abuse, in the interest and for the protection of all Customers.

Users of the GinShop.it website declare that they are adults according to the legislation applicable to them. If there is no legislation in this regard, you must be at least 21 years old.
The online seller declares to be aware of the criminal and/or administrative liability resulting from the sale of alcoholic substances to minors or resulting from other violations of certain age limits established by law.
Therefore, in the event that the order includes products whose sale is subject to age limits, the Seller undertakes to verify, through a reliable procedure that includes a check of personal identity and age, that the orderer has reached the minimum required age.

Once the online purchase procedure has been completed, the Customer will print or save an electronic copy and, in any case, keep these general conditions of sale in compliance with the provisions of the articles. 3 and 4 of Legislative Decree 185/1999 on distance selling. The forwarding of the order confirmation, therefore, implies complete knowledge of the same and their full acceptance.

By placing an order in the various ways provided, the Customer declares to have read the information provided during the purchase procedure and to accept the conditions transcribed below. The Customer is therefore invited to keep these general conditions of sale, in compliance with the provisions of the articles. 49 et seq. Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 on distance selling.

The Customer can only purchase the products present in the electronic catalog managed by the JOM Spirits company of Soratti Carla Alessia at the time of placing the order, as described therein. It is understood that in any case the images of the products may not be perfectly representative of all the characteristics but may differ in colour, size and accessory products represented.

The products are offered at the price indicated on the site on the date the order is accepted and are inclusive of VAT, which will be indicated in detail in the invoice/receipt issued for the purchase of the product. Product prices may be subject to periodic changes, for which no communication is required from the Supplier. The prices do not include transport and delivery costs, which will in any case be indicated to the Customer in the final section of the online purchase procedure before sending the order.

In compliance with current laws regarding the purchase of alcoholic products, the Supplier reserves the right not to process orders from individuals who do not respect the age limits set by law for both the purchase and delivery of the aforementioned products . Specifically, the Supplier will not sell alcohol to people under the age of 18 and the Courier will not deliver alcoholic products to anyone under the age of 18, reserving the right to request an identity document to verify age.


The Supplier will deliver to the Customer, to the shipping address specified when completing the order, the products selected and ordered, in the manner set out in this article, via the Courier . The contract is concluded with the delivery of the goods by the Supplier to the Courier. For this reason, the Supplier will not be responsible in the event of failed or delayed delivery or total or partial damage to the goods themselves. Only the courier who carried out the shipment will be responsible.

Upon delivery of the goods by the Courier, the Customer is required to check:

  • that the quantity of goods ordered corresponds to what is indicated in the transport document;
  • that the packaging is intact, not damaged, nor wet or, in any case, altered even in the closing materials.

Any damage must be immediately reported to the courier making the delivery. Once the courier document has been signed, the Customer will not be able to make any objections regarding the external characteristics of what was delivered.

At the time of ordering, the indicative shipping times for the products ordered are indicated. These estimated times may be subject to changes, which will be communicated promptly by the Courier. The Courier determines that delivery times will never exceed those provided for in the art. 6 of Legislative Decree 185/99 (30 days from the order date and/or from receipt of payment if available in stock). The aforementioned delivery terms refer to the products present in the warehouse at the time of the order.

Delays in delivery. Any delays in the delivery of the goods cannot be attributed to or attributable to the Supplier. Nor, in any way, can the Supplier be responsible for damages caused by the Courier, in relation to the delayed delivery of the goods, to the customer or to third parties, meaning the contract perfected with the delivery of the goods to the Courier.

Delivery failure. If the Courier delivers the goods and does not find anyone at the specified address, he will deposit the goods in the warehouse indicated on the card which will be left on site. A second delivery will then be attempted, at the end of which the goods will be returned to the Supplier. If the Customer requests the Supplier to receive back the products ordered and paid for which have not been delivered, he must immediately request this from the Supplier company via email carla.jomspirits.com

You will be responsible for all costs, in addition to any additional damage suffered by the Supplier.

Delivery costs. They are the responsibility of the Customer and are explained clearly and separately from the price of the good or service, when placing the order.


The products on the websitewww.jomspirits.com can be purchased by choosing from the following payment methods at check-out:
  • Credit Card: for purchases under €1,000.00.
  • PayPal.

The Supplier reserves the right to request the Customer to send a copy of identity documents proving ownership of the credit card used for payment, if this information is requested by the relevant banking or financial institution. In the absence of the required documentation, the Supplier may not accept the order and, therefore, not conclude the contract.

At no time during the purchase procedure will the Supplier be able to know the information relating to the buyer's credit card, transmitted via a secure connection directly to the website of the banking or financial institution that manages the transaction. None of the Supplier's computer archives will retain such data. Under no circumstances can the Supplier be held responsible for any fraudulent or illicit use of credit cards.


For each order placed onwww.jomspirits.com the Supplier issues an accompanying receipt which contains the list of all items shipped and which is inserted in a closed envelope and sent together with the goods. For issuing the receipt, the information provided by the Customer at the time of the order is valid. In the case of an invoice request, the Customer can make the request explicit when confirming the order.

The mismatch between the goods ordered and those delivered must be promptly communicated to the Supplier.


The Supplier assumes no responsibility for disservices attributable to force majeure and/or unforeseeable circumstances such as accidents, thefts and/or robberies of the courier in charge of delivery, fires, explosions, strikes and/or lockouts, earthquakes, floods and other similar events that prevented, in whole or in part, the execution of the contract within the agreed times and methods.

Furthermore, it will not be liable to anyone for damages, losses and costs suffered as a result of failure to execute the contract for the causes mentioned above, the Customer having the right only to a refund of the price paid by the Forwarder, who is solely responsible.


All products sold by the websitewww.jomspirits.com are covered by a 24-month warranty for defects of conformity pursuant to articles. 128 and following Legislative Decree 206/2005. In relation to perishable products, the legal guarantee will be effective exclusively until the expiry date indicated on the packaging of the product itself. The aforementioned legal guarantee applies as long as the product is used correctly, in compliance with the intended use and as provided in the documentation attached to the product. In the event of a lack of conformity, the Supplier will, at no cost to the customer, restore the conformity of the product through repair/replacement or reduce the price, until the contract is terminated. In the event that the Supplier is not able to return a product under warranty to the Customer, the Supplier may proceed at its discretion to refund the entire amount paid or replace it with a product with equal or superior characteristics. To take advantage of the guarantee, the Customer must keep the invoice or delivery note that he will receive at home.


Pursuant to current legislation, when the Customer is a consumer (i.e. a natural person who purchases the goods for purposes not related to his professional or entrepreneurial activity), he has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract concluded with the Supplier, without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the product, meaning the moment of acquisition of physical possession of the same. In the case of orders relating to products to be delivered in multiple batches, the aforementioned withdrawal deadline starts from the date of receipt of the last batch. If the consumer decides to exercise the right of withdrawal, he must notify the Supplier via email to the email address carla.jomspirits.com . The right of withdrawal is excluded in relation to the supply of sealed goods that are not suitable for return for hygienic reasons or related to health protection and have been opened after delivery. Until the moment of exercising the right of withdrawal, the Customer is in any case exclusively responsible for the decrease in value of the product resulting from handling of the same other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the product itself. The return of the goods must take place at the latest within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the goods themselves. In any case, to be entitled to a full refund of the price paid, the goods must be returned intact, including the receipt and, in any case, in a normal state of conservation. Shipping costs for exercising the right of withdrawal are borne by the Customer; the Supplier will refund the amount paid for the purchase of the product (including original delivery costs) net of the direct cost of return borne by the Customer, within 14 (fourteen) days from receipt of the notice of withdrawal. In the event of damage to the product returned by the Customer during transport, the Supplier will notify the Customer within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the product to allow him to assert his rights against the courier. In this case the product will be made available to the customer for its return, simultaneously canceling the withdrawal request.


The contract between the Supplier and the Customer is governed by Italian law, without prejudice to the possible application of any mandatory rules of the state of the Customer's domicile in the event that the Customer is a consumer. For any disputes arising from the contract or connected to them in any way, the court of the consumer's domicile has mandatory jurisdiction.


This privacy information is provided to you pursuant to article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and explains the methods and purposes of the processing of personal data concerning you carried out through the Site. Specifically, this information is provided to those who interact with the company's web services, accessible electronically starting from address:www.jomspirits.com corresponding to the home page of the official website. This information is provided only for this site and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user via links. The Information is subject to updates and/or changes, made from time to time by the data controllers of your Personal Data, at their discretion, also as a consequence of changes in applicable laws and/or regulations. Please check the Information regularly to ensure that you are also aware of the changes and modifications introduced to it. Your use of the Site and/or your purchase of Jom Spirits products on the Site will be subject to the Information published from time to time on the Site and in force at the time of said use and/or said purchase.